League Match Fixtures and Results

Paper Score Sheets

The results are entered directly into the LTA software, but for your convenience here are links to pdf files that you can print out and use to record on paper the scores at your matches:

OLTA Babolat Summer League 2018

Past Results

Click on the entries in the table below to find the final results of the leagues.

Summer Leagues Winter Leagues
OLTA Babolat 2017 OLTA Babolat 2017-18
OLTA Babolat 2016 OLTA Babolat 2016-17
OLTA Babolat 2015 TVWTL Babolat 2015-16
OLTA Wilson 2014 TVWTL 2014-15
OLTA Wilson 2013 TVWTL 2013-14
OLTA Wilson 2012 TVWTL 2012-13
OLTA Wilson 2011 TVWTL 2011-12

Paul Neighbour

Paul Neighbour and Family at OLTA presentation Paul Neighbour grew and ran the Thames Valley Winter Tennis League (TVWTL) for over 40 years, and it it thanks to him that there is a thriving winter tennis league in the Thames Valley. In recent years he also ran the Oxforshire LTA Summer League. We all owe him a huge debt for the thousands of hours he has put in over the years in organising the leagues and recording the results. He estimates that he has recorded over 35,000 match results!

Pictured to the right are Paul and his family at the meeting of the Oxfordshire LTA in February 2016 where his contribution to tennis were celebrated after he announced his plans to retire from running the leagues.

Since Paul's retirement at the end of the TVWTL 2015-16 season, the fixture and results management have been taken over by the Oxfordshire LTA, and the fixtures and results are now managed on the approved LTA league software. Links to this for Summer 2016 onwards are provided above. The links to earlier results are to copies of results that Paul posted on the Horizon software he used prior to 2016.